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One woman's quest to inspire and maximize your travel experiences
Caryn Stroh
7 min read
Bolivia - Beautifully Bizarre
The streets of La Paz are eerie at four o’clock in the morning, and I hurriedly lead the kids through them, past sleeping bodies sprawled...
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Caryn Stroh
14 min read
Misadventure in Peru - Lunacy or Living Large?
(Excerpt from my book-in-progress - Mama's Goin' Backpacking) As I push myself up from the steps and look at the young men waiting for me...
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Caryn Stroh
6 min read
Easter in Ecuador - (Excerpt from my 'novel in progress')
It’s the last Thursday before Easter and my couchsurfing family, a wonderful woman and her two relatively grown up kids who have welcomed...
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Caryn Stroh
17 min read
Argentina to Uruguay and HOME! - Last Blog for Now
We turn down a gravel road at the sign for Pozo Santiago. Ten minutes down the dusty road, we spot the tiny pueblo. A dark spot on the...
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Caryn Stroh
6 min read
Northwest Argentina - the way Argentina was.
(Excerpt from my novel in progress). The bus has no toilet and five hours into our trip my back teeth are floating and I’m tense from...
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Caryn Stroh
8 min read
Argentina - Oh, the beautiful Lakes District!
We have just left the Lakes District, north of Patagonia, or perhaps it’s ‘northern Patagonia’ - I can’t figure that out. The Lakes...
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Caryn Stroh
10 min read
Patagonia - The End of the World
Patagonia – a region that spans both southern Chile and southern Argentina. All of it, other than the bald-assed prairie parts,...
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Caryn Stroh
8 min read
Northern Chile - before Southern Chile
Southern Chile has hosted Aaron and I for the last three weeks and we've enjoyed her immensely. Before I post my thoughts about this...
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Caryn Stroh
5 min read
Lovin' the Lakes District in Central Chile
We’re at the 42nd parallel in the southern hemisphere and moving south. If we were in the northern hemisphere, we’d be just below Oregon...
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Caryn Stroh
3 min read
Solo through South America - 2016
Excerpt from Evolution of a Vagabond - my Debut Travel Memoir The three stars of Orion’s Belt blink brightly and familiarly at me from an...
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